
Swinburne Ethics Review Manager


Applications: Human Ethics, Animal Ethics & Biosafety


Click on Log in at the top right hand side.

Use your Swinburne account (Swinburne email address) and password to log in.

If you are already logged in click on Home to take you to your Work Area.

See here for more information and detailed user-guides.

IMPORTANT: Sarawak-based Swinburne Staff and HDR Students:

If you have an existing @swinburne.edu.my ERM account, please contact ResEthics@swin.edu.au for assistance in getting access to your existing projects.

If you have never logged into ERM before, please use your @swin.edu.au login (two-factor authentication required).

If your authenticator app or password needs to be reset, please contact the Australian IT Service Desk for assistance.